Do you manufacture automobiles in China? If so, you can leverage Puwei’s global compliance expertise to comply with CAMDS regulations.
你们在中国生产汽车配件吗?如果是这样,您可以利用浦巍的全球合规专业知识来遵守 CAMDS 法规。
What is the relation between End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) and IMDS?
报废车辆 (ELV) 和 IMDS 之间有什么关系?
The End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) Directive is a European Union directive that was issued in 2000 to address the environmental impact of automotive waste. The International Material Data System (IMDS) is an internet-based database that was developed to meet the requirements of the ELV Directive. IMDS collects, maintains, analyzes, and archives information about the materials used in the manufacturing of automobiles. This information is used to track the environmental impact of automobiles throughout their life cycle.
报废车辆 (ELV) 指令是欧盟于 2000 年发布的一项指令,旨在解决汽车废物对环境的影响。国际材料数据系统 (IMDS) 是一个基于互联网的数据库,旨在满足 ELV 指令的要求。 IMDS 收集、维护、分析和归档有关汽车制造中使用的材料的信息。该信息用于跟踪汽车整个生命周期对环境的影响。
What is BOM validation and how much time will it take?
什么是 BOM 验证以及需要多长时间?
BOM 验证是验证汽车的物料清单 (BOM) 是否准确的过程。BOM 是用于制造汽车的所有零件的列表。BOM 验证可以手动完成,也可以使用软件工具完成。验证 BOM 所需的时间取决于汽车的大小和复杂性。
How do you manage substances which do not have CAS numbers but only categories?
如何管理没有 CAS 编号而只有类别的物质?
CAS numbers are unique identifiers for chemical substances. If a substance does not have a CAS number, it can be categorized using the IMDS Global Automotive Data Specification List (GADSL). The GADSL contains a list of all the substances that are commonly used in the automotive industry.
CAS 编号是化学物质的唯一标识符。如果某种物质没有 CAS 编号,则可以使用 IMDS 全球汽车数据规范列表 (GADSL) 对其进行分类。 GADSL 包含汽车行业常用的所有物质的列表。
Any simple way to do supplier follow-up?
Yes, there is a simple way to do supplier follow-up using the IMDS. The IMDS has an email option that can be used to send messages to suppliers about unreported or rejected parts.
是的,有一种简单的方法可以使用 IMDS 进行供应商跟进。 IMDS 有一个电子邮件选项,可用于向供应商发送有关未报告或拒绝零件的消息。
Can I access to the IMDS software?
我可以访问 IMDS 软件吗?
Yes, you can access the IMDS software if you have an access license. Puwei can provide you with an access license if you need one.
是的,如果您有访问许可证,则可以访问 IMDS 软件。如果您需要,浦巍可以为您提供访问许可证。
If CAS number is not provided, then how do you check for declaration?
If a CAS number is not provided, you can still check for declaration in IMDS using the substances name, EINECS No and EU index. However, for accurate results, it is preferable to have the CAS number.
如果未提供 CAS 编号,您仍然可以使用物质名称、EINECS 编号和 EU 索引在 IMDS 中检查声明。然而,为了获得准确的结果,最好有 CAS 编号。
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CAMDS,CAMDS提交,CAMDS 培训, 在线培训,浦巍咨询